Monday, September 15, 2008

5 Things I Hate About W.A.R.

Listening to the Disney Chanel while taxiing the kids to various after-school things tends to melt my brain a bit, so to counteract the effects of Miley Cyrus and her "7 Things I Hate About You" I started compiling a list of my own.

5 Things I Hate About Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning

1. No Auto-attack when I'm being attacked.
- it was most annoying when a new mob would 'get' me from behind and I'd mash my 2 -3 -4 keys only to find I still had the mob I just killed still targeted. If there's a setting for this, I didn't run across it.

2. "Target out of range" messages when I'm standing practically right on top of what I'm trying to kill.
- no matter where I move around the mob I'm trying to kill, every once in a while I'd get this message. My blows would still reduce the mob's health, but not as quickly.

3. Mobs teleporting across the field.
- I'm sure this was just a problem with the game still being Beta - right? Mobs that I was trying to attack would suddenly blink out and appear 10/20 yards away. Don't MAKE me chase you!

4. Crafting Talismans
- I only got 3 of the 4 things I needed to craft talismans. I never got a Fragment, nor did I ever figure out where to get one. I got boatloads of seeds, but never ran across the trainer to tell me what to do with them, so I sold them.

5. My Pet Lion constantly froze.
- again, it's a Beta problem right? They'll have that fixed by... uh... tomorrow?
Every 4 - 10 kills, my Lion would stand at the corpse of a kill, and at first I thought it was eating the remains (ew) but after impatiently waiting for it to finish the lion would more often just fade away, forcing me to 'call' it again. Usually twice.

Now, to be fair, there were some things I LIKED about the game as well:

5 Things I Like About W.A.R.

1. The red "stain" mark on maps to tell you what area to go for a particular quest.
- that feature was extremely helpful in preventing those of us who are directionally challenged figure out where we should be headed to accomplish anything. And the little popup text with the quest objective in it when you mouse over the "stain" was great when I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do next.

2. The Yellow/Orange marks on my mini-map to tell me where I had quests to turn in.
- What a great time saver. I can't tell you how many times I'd bop thru camp just to sell off things to make more bag space, totally forgetting that I had a quest or two to turn in until I noticed that orange dot on my mini-map.

3. Public Quests.
- this was actually a Love/Hate kind of thing. When there were lots of people it was a lot of fun to do my part towards killing 100 Followers of Ra (or whatever). When I was playing at an 'off' time however, not so much fun.

4. Joining a RvR anytime I was in the mood, instead of tracking down a battlemaster in the city.
- Clicking on that nice little symbol next to the mini-map and "joining" was something I enjoyed when questing got boring.

5. Those sneaky spiders
- In several zones, there were spiders that actually hid in the ground and lept out at you if you got too close. Too funny! At first, I didn't pay attention to the text floating above the ground. I assumed it was a tiny little rat or bug, mearly there to add to the ambience. Can't you just hear the 'squeal like a girl' sound I made the first time one of those eight-legged monsters jumped out an 'got' me? Yeah - it DID sound just like that.

BTW - I've decided to give the game a month or two - on Saturday I did get to play again, and enjoyed it. Sunday was the day the Open Beta servers shut down, and the Collectors Edition head-start servers came up. Since I only have the Standar Edition, I'm blocked from playing until Tuesday, and found that I was annoyed I could not play. That means I wanted to play, right?

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