Sunday, September 7, 2008

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckonning First Impressions

Finally got my WAR beta downloaded, unzipped and playable. Yay!

I went with a White Lion, which is a Melee character with a pet. I don't play characters with pets much in Wow, so it's a nice change. I found it fairly easy to catch on to who I was supposed to talk to, based on the huge books hanging over their heads. Run over there, kills x number of blahs, run back and talk to me again. Basic, yet useful for figuring out how to get around, use the abilities your toon has, your range etc.

I was happy with the graphics in the game, which were comparable to Wow and vastly better than Age of Conan. For AoC I had to a lot of tweaking, and had to disable SLI mode for my dual graphics cards. For WAR, I didn't have to tweak at all. Later, I'll go in and look at the available video settings to see if I can boost the resolution, but for now it's good. I did not experience any graphic blocking - where portions of the screen look like huge wire-framed shapes instead of their more refined image (a big problem for me in AoC even w/ SLI turned off.) The only complaint I had was that it was not always apparent which elements I could get around/over so sometimes I got stuck behind a wagon or a rock, and had to run around the other way. /shrug.

Most of the quests were easy to do, level appropriate, and with plentiful mobs even with all of the new players popping in. There was one quest involving a Boom Crate that I just could not figure out, however - either I never got the Boom Crate, or I accidentially sold it. Not sure.

I did one Realm vs Realm (RvR) in which I did OK. My stats put me smack in the center of the list for kills, and how many times I died. The Destruction team won (big surprise) but it was fun all the same. Note to self - don't stand there like a tourist when the big wall of flames comes your way.

I also found my way into my first Public Quest, which was loads of fun, but still a bit buggy. There were several mobs who's names were in red, which usually means "bad guy," but no one was able to attack them. Also, the second wave of the quest called for Crew members by a certain name, who never showed up, but after we killed enough of the mobs that did show up, we progressed to the third and final phase of the quest. The last part involved killing a named NPC, and a huge multi-headed monster. The monster was a bit laggy, and would suddenly appear a bit farther down the bridge, or across the courtyard. The loot system for PQ's is something that's new to me. It's an auto-generated random roll based on your contribution and some bonus stats. My first time thru, I ranked #2 and got a Lesser Loot bag w/ several green items to choose from inside. The other 2 times I didn't get any loot, dispite ranking in the top 10 for contributions. So I guess the moral is, don't depend on PQ's to net you phat loot.

I'm only up to level 4 on my White Lion. Leveling was well paced, but I had lots of /AFK time as I had to assist w/ brunch making, prompt the kids to get dressed etc before their friends started coming over, take a shower, answer 2 wrong number phone calls and 1 real phone call, throw in some laundry, show my daughter how to use the rug cleaner for the chocolate stains she left yesterday, change batteries in 3 Wii remotes so 4 10 year olds could play Mario Kart, make 4 bowls of popcorn and a pitcher of punch for the 8 kids playing in my yard and finally sweep up all the popcorn dropped on the deck and cups left around after 7 of the kids ran off to play another neighbors house.

Time for lunch.

BTW - hubby just asked me where I got the Beta key so he could try the game too. Guess I'm going to have to see if the online retailers have gotten any better about delivering the Beta Keys. He doesn't care about a shelf-full of pretty boxes.

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