Friday, September 12, 2008

WAR - Day 3. Kind of bored.

Waited impatiently for the WAR servers to come back up yesterday, and once they did, I didn't stick around long.

Why? Maybe I just wasn't in the right mind-frame, but the game just wasn't grabbing me. I've made 3 different characters, and while the Green Skins are kind of funny, I found myself alt-tabbing out quite often to check Twitter or the weather or anything that might entertain me more. My highest level character at the moment is a White Lion, and my pet kept lagging behind or getting lost, and I was constantly having to stop and re-call it. I know, I know, BETA gaming is full of challenges. And I wasn't progressing to the next level very quickly, with no real nudge to the next best area to quest in. I stumbled around for a bit, found a new Public Quest but I was the only one doing it so that was no fun, then found a camp with several quests so I perked up. One of the quests took me into a PvP area, which was fun for a while, until my pick up group disolved into chaos and the much more numerous Horde - I mean Destruction - scattered what was left of us. Not as much fun as it sounds.

So, I'm asking myself, am I really ready to shell out $45 for the game (I paid Gamestop $5 for the pre-order box already) and then whatever the monthly fee is, when I already play World of Warcraft? Sure, it was interesting at first to pick out the differences between the two games but that novelty has worn off, and it's begining to feel like more of the same.

Last night on the National Geographic chanel, there was an ad for the character builder for Spore, and my son perked up with "Hey - I want that!" which made my eyes roll. Greeeeaaat. Because I wanted to try the game too, which means I'll be buying TWO of that one. It's getting hard to enforce our new budget in the house when I keep buying games.

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